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We're trying to solve program obfuscation and push frontiers of (threshold/multi-party) fully homomomorphic encryption
We're also developing the phantom-zone library.
You can find our notes, blogs, and whatever we're thinking in general on this hackmd page.
14th November 2024
We, in collaboration with Ethereum foundation and 0xPARC are launching a bounty program to test security of new approaches to program obfuscation. Visit obfustopia.io for more informtaion.
9th November 2024
Jean-Philippe Bossuat, of our team, wins 2024 iDash challenge (track 1)! Here's the winning implementation.
Send us an email mentioning how you can help us regardless of whether you fit any of the job positions below. Internships work too!
Our email is j@phantom.zone.
🦀 rust engineer: You must be strong at rust and have a good understanding of code optimisations, high performance computing.
You'll be working on next iteration of phantom-zone which includes implementing state of the art
fully homomorphic encryption schemes, zero-knowledge protocols. No prior knowledge of cryptography is necessary. You'll working along side a team of
strong cryptographers with extensive amount of experience in fully homomorphic encryption and zero knowledge protocols. Send us
an email with your best work to apply.
Mathematician: You must have strong applied math background. Prior experience with cryptography is a bonus but not necessary.
Your work will span across multiple topics within program obfuscation and fully homomorphic encryption. Following list gives flavours of topics
you'll be investigating.
(1) Efficient algorithm to find all small convex subgraphs in a directed acyclic graph
(2) Efficiently replace multiple subgraphs in a dependency graph with million nodes
(3) Cryptanalysis of local mixing approach to program obfuscation (check out the bounty)
(4) Find bottlenecks and improve new/existing approaches to program obfuscation / iO
(5) Automated efficient FHE parameter selection for an FHE circuit
To apply email us your past work experience.
(Quantum) physicist: It's surprising how relevant quantum physics is to new approaches to program obfuscation. You'll
spend time investigating intersection of quantum physics and cryptography and quantum physics inspired approaches to
program obfuscation. For example, the core of program obfuscation via local mixing is "pseudo-randomness of reversible
circuits". Another nice one, albeit only tangential to program obfuscation, is this paper.
Background in cryptography is not required. However ability to explore a new and booming field is a must. To apply email
us your experience with quantum physics.